Remote Sales Work: A decidedly attractive dream for many Sales Professionals. It’s not without challenges and perils. In this post, we share key tips on how to survive in remote sales and make the dream come true.
4 Awesome Practices for Valuable Sales and Marketing Alignment
Sales and marketing alignment is already a challenge, but it’s even more difficult when your company is expanding internationally. Here’s 4 Best Practices!
Best Sales Tools Made in Belgium with Love
Plenty sales tools available Worldwide. It’s now possible to build entire sales tools stacks just using home-bred products. That way it’s very possible to buy local, get local support, in your own language – and support the home economy. This post shows what Belgium has to offer.
How to Sell more with Email Outreach Automation
Usually your email program is not going to help you tremendously to better communicate with your customers. Email is asynchronous and doesn’t lend itself to explaining complex matters. Still it can be very handy as a tool to open the dialogue. For those situations it’s possible to send out emails manually and in some cases that might be your preference. …
Repeat Your Customer and Sell More
Just heard something really startling: repeat your customer and sell more. If you’re a waiter who takes an order, chances are about 70% higher of getting a tip if you repeat what customers order out loud, than if you just go “got it”. 70%!! This is all about how you acknowledge what the customer just told you. If you respond …
B2B Selling on Twitter: Worth the effort?
B2B Selling on Twitter has always been a bit of an odd discipline. LinkedIn has almost exclusively sucked up all the oxygen in that space and almost everyone uses Twitter as just a marketing channel. Are you the kind of Sales Professional who helps out your customers wherever you can? It’s an excellent way to win friends and create trust. …
How to Remember Names in Sales
Remembering names of people you meet can sometimes seem challenging. Even more so in these hyper-networked days where the number of connections we interact with far exceeds the Dunbar number of people we should be able to have meaningful relations with. For sales professionals remembering names is critical – even with a great CRM, social selling tools and caller IDs …
Ask Revealing Questions and Avoid This Fatuous Mistake
With B2B sales being a profession, which is all about helping people make better decisions for themselves, it’s critical to listen more in conversations. You want to learn, receive information, test hypotheses and presumptions, and eliminate assumptions completely. Every day, we all ask questions. To sell something, to get to know something, to get to know someone better, to understand, …
True B2B Sales Professional Prospects for New Business
The very first time you’re put in a chair with a phone and a computer in front of you, the task at hand usually is to – at best – call on customers who haven’t been called on for a while. At worst – and more frequently the case – your task will be to call people who have never …